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Alan E. Abrams

Academic Freedom Lecture Fund (University of Michigan)

Academic Women's Caucus (University of Michigan)

Affirmative Action Office (University of Michigan)

Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (University of Michigan)

Raad Alawan

Alpha Phi Alpha

Adil J. Akrawi


D. C. Allen House of David

Christopher Alston

Alternative Perspectives on Vietnam

Alumni Association (University of Michigan)

American Citizens for Justice

Department of American Culture (University of Michigan)

American Legion, Department of Michigan

And You Can Quote Me On That

Ann Arbor (Mich.)

Ann Arbor Film Festival

Ann Arbor Public Schools

Another Ann Arbor

Theophil Aprill


William W. Arscott

Museum of Art (University of Michigan)

Arts of Citizenship Program (University of Michigan)

Athletic Department (University of Michigan)

Barbara Aziz broadcasts collection


Back from the Brink

Harley Harris Bartlett

Leslie Bassett

John Richard Behee

Ralph L. Belknap

John B. Bennett

Alvin M. Bentley

Bentley Historical Library (University of Michigan)

Beth Israel Congregation (Ann Arbor, Mich.)

The Bicentennial Dilemma

Gunnar Birkerts

Gunnar Birkerts and Associates

Black Autonomy Network Community Organization

James J. Blanchard

Paul Blanshard

BMC Media Services

Board of Regents (University of Michigan)

William Bolcom and Joan Morris

Boyne USA Resorts

Marjorie A. Blackistone and Horace Ferguson Bradfield

Clarence E. Brewer

Prentiss Marsh Brown

Wilber M. Brucker

John B. Bruff


George Cacioppo

David L. Camp

Ana Luisa Cardona

Casa de Unidad

Rup Chand

Chief Marshal (University of Michigan)

Chesbrough family

Oscar Gottlieb Christgau

Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination

Albert B. Cleague Jr.

Kay Clifford

Elzada U. Clover

Edward Nicholas and Dollie Ann Cole

College Medley Fox Trot (the Big Ten)

Coming Out Whole Conference

Community Action on Substance Abuse

Dorothy H. Coons

Royal S. Copeland

Craig Covey

Henry Hitt Crane

H. O.Crisler

Elizabeth Caroline Crosby

Gwendolyn S. Cruzat

Constance E. Cumbey

James L. Curtis

George William Cushing


Dance Gallery Foundation

Dance Marathon at the University of Michigan

Ann B. Davis

Robby DeBoer

Gay Delanghe

Democratic Party of Michigan

David M. Dennison

Lionel H. DeRemer

Detroit & Canada Tunnel Corporation

Detroit Observatory (University of Michigan)

Detroit Urban League

David D. Dexter

John D. Dingell Jr.

Walter Drew

Dwight L. Dumond


Eastwood Church of God (Kalamazoo, Mich.)

Eclipse Jazz (University of Michigan)

Ecology Center of Ann Arbor

Ecology Center of Ann Arbor and Teach-in on the Environment

Department of Economics (University of Michigan)

Center for the Education of Women (University of Michigan)

School of Education (University of Michigan)

Billie Louise Edwards

Samuel James Eldersveld

Ruth Ellis

John Engler

English Language Institute (University of Michigan)

Equality Michigan

Esquire, Inc.

George P. Everson

Expedition '94


Faculty Women's Club (University of Michigan)

Department of Family Medicine (University of Michigan)

Feast of Families

Homer Ferguson

Leon Festinger

Ross Lee Finney

First Congregational Church (Ann Arbor, Mich.)

Dara Fisher University of Michigan Campus Tour

R. W. Fleming

Robert W. Fletcher

Gene Fogel

Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy (University of Michigan)

Thomas Francis

C. L. Franklin

C. L. Franklin Oral History Project

From Michigamua to Order of Angell

Fruit of Dreams


Galens Medical Society

Bernard Galler

Enid H. Galler

Albert E. Gallup

Gargoyle (Organization)

Garnet R. Garrison

David M. Gates

General Television Network

William Gepford

Institute of Gerontology (University of Michigan)

Delmar D. Gibbons

Gilbert and Sullivan Society (University of Michigan)

Glenn C. Gillespie

Genevieve Gillette

Arnold Gingrich

Edith Gomberg

H. J. (Henry Jacob) Gomberg

Tommy Good

Grant K. Goodman

Edward M. Gramlich

Grand Hotel (Mackinac Island, Mich.)

Grand Valley State Colleges Oral History Project

Jennifer Granholm

Harold S. Gray

The Great Lakes Invader

Martha Wright Griffiths

Guild House


William Haber Oral Biography Project

Thomas and Arlene Hadley

Archibald R. Hallock

Marie D. Hartwig

Mary Hathaway

Morton S. Hilbert

Vernon Hillery

Tom Harmon

Jane Briggs Hart

Philip A. Hart

Hartford Memorial Baptist Church (Detroit, Mich.)

Edward N. Hartwick

Aliya Hassen

Harlan Henthorne Hatcher

Joseph Ralston Hayden

Henderson House (University of Michigan) records

Historica Critica

History and Traditions of the University Committee (University of Michigan)

Center for the History of Medicine (University of Michigan)

Clare E. Hoffman

Jeep Holland

Spencer D. Hopkins

Hull family

Human Rights Party (Ann Arbor, Mich.)

Institute for the Humanities (University of Michigan)

Woodrow W. Hunter Papers


Information Technology Division (University of Michigan)

School of Information (University of Michigan)

Inside the Michigamua "Wigwam"

Inter-Cooperative Council (Ann Arbor, Mich.)

Interlochen Center for the Arts

International Institute (University of Michigan)


Center for Japanese Studies (University of Michigan)

Lawrence W. Jones

Lola Jones


Karoub family

James Karoub

Muhammad Karoub

Susan W. Kaufmann

Douglas Kelbaugh

Kellogg African American Health Care Project

Pearl L. Kendrick

Jack Kevorkian

Emmett William Kiebler

Gilbert King

Diane Kirkpatrick

George Kish

Francis A. Kornegay

Arthur W. Kramer

Michelle Krebs

Adam Kulakow

Jennifer Kundak

Gertrude P. Kurath


Ladies Library Association of Ann Arbor

Law School (University of Michigan)

James Frederick Lawton

Donald S. Leonard

Dale R. Leslie

Carl M. Levin

Robert E. Lewis

Kenneth Lieberthal

Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies (University of Michigan)

James H. Lincoln

Joyce Lindeman

Life Sciences Institute

Listen and Remember

Clarence Cook Little

Little Traverse Conservancy

Jon OnyeLockard

William Lucas


Barbara McCann

Howard Y. McClusky

Austin McCoy

Wilbert J. McKeachie

Edward H. McNamara

Macomb-Oakland Regional Center

Josh Mack

Russell M. Magnaghi

Julia Makarem

George A. Malcolm

Walter W. Marquardt

John Butlin Martin

Sue Marx

Frederick C. Matthaei Jr.

Matthaei Botanical Gardens (University of Michigan)

Media Resources Center (University of Michigan)

Men's Glee Club (University of Michigan)

Merit Network, Inc.

Robert C. Metcalf

Michigan Fellowship of Reconciliation

Michigan Abortion Referendum Committee

Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association

Michigan Media (University of Michigan)

Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project

Michigan Music Album

Michigan on the March

Michigan Organization for Human Rights

Michigan Peaceworks

Michigan Political History Society

Michigan Replay

Michigan Sea Grant Program Records

Michigan Union (University of Michigan)

Michigan Video Yearbook

Michiganensian Presents Memories in Sound

Middle English Dictionary

Migrant Health Promotion

Frank G. Millard

Tom Monaghan

Frederick E. Moncrieff

Blair Moody

Earl V. Moore

Cynthia L. Muñoz

Frank Murphy

Frank Murphy Oral History Project

Irene Ellis Murphy

School of Music, Theatre & Dance (University of Michigan)


National Archive on Sino-American Relations

National Housewives' League of America

Jack Netzorg interviewed by Michael P. Onorato

New Beginnings

Office Of New Students Programs (University of Michigan)

News and Information Services (University of Michigan)

Mark Nickerson

Nursing History Society (University of Michigan)

Michael Nyikos


Office of Research (University of Michigan)

Office of Undergraduate Admissions (University of Michigan)

Michel Oksenberg

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Sigma Rho Chapter (Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti, Mich.)

One United Michigan (organization)

Chase S. Osborn

Out of the Wilderness

Stanford R. Ovshinsky

Oz University


Christina V. Pacosz

Laurie Palazzolo Horn Man Research Materials

Willis C. Patterson

Peace Corps Office (University of Michigan)

Julio Perazza

Warren Petoskey

Pioneer Band Association

Department of Political Science (University of Michigan)

David Pollock

James K. Pollock

Post family

Charles E. Potter

Randy Pratt

Preserving Our Past

Presidential Inaugurations (University of Michigan)

President (University of Michigan)

Programs for Educational Opportunity (University of Michigan)


Milo Radulovich

Dudley Randall

Renewal Ministries

Republican Party (Mich.) State Central Committee

Tim Retzloff

George Lincoln Rockwell

George W. Romney

Lenore LaFount Romney

Carlos P. Romulo

Mildred Ross

Stephen M. Ross School of Business (University of Michigan)

Stephen M. Ross School of Business (University of Michigan) Oral History Interviews

Rowe family

Henry Russel Lectureship Committee (University of Michigan)


Hugo K. Salchow

A Sampler of Michigan Women

Save Our Sons and Daughters (Organization)

Albert J. Schimpke collection of R.G. Peters materials

Allan Schreiber

Sculptor Marshall Fredericks [videorecording] / producer/director Lisa Hawkins.

Susan Shagonaby

I. Leo Sharfman

Bright Sheng

Robert J. Shepard

Allen F. Sherzer

Dan Sicko

Charles A. Simpson

Dennis Sinclair

John and Leni Sinclair

Mary P. Sinclair

J. David Singer

Charles A. Sink

Sligh family

Gerald L. K. Smith

Institute for Social Research (University of Michigan)

Institute for Social Research (University of Michigan) Oral Histories

School of Social Work (University of Michigan)

Department of Sociology (University of Michigan)

Solar Car Team (University of Michigan)

Centers for South and Southeast Asian Studies (University of Michigan)

Peter Sparling

Spectrum Center (University of Michigan)

Chauncey E. Spencer

C. Willett Spooner

Neil Staebler

Starr Commonwealth

William Stegath

D. B. Steinman

Art Stephan Motion Picture Collection, 1960s-1980s

Student Advocacy Center of Michigan records

Sunrise Cooperative Farm Community records

John B. Swainson

Symphony Band 1961 Tour


Luis Taruc

A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning (University of Michigan)

Taxpayers United Federation

John Teachout

Janice J. Terry

A Toast to Yost From Coast to Coast

Harry A. Towsley

James W. Toy

Thomas Clarkson Trueblood

June Manning Thomas

Ruth Thompson

Chrystal G. Tibbs

Turnabout the Story of the Yale Puppeteers

Turner Geriatric Clinic (University of Michigan)


Ufer family

An Uncommon Education

Office of Undergraduate Admissions (University of Michigan)

University and Development Events (University of Michigan)

University Housing Records (University of Michigan)

University Human Resources (University of Michigan)

University of Michigan admissions lawsuits

University of Michigan Alumnae Club of Ann Arbor, Sara Browne Smith

University of Michigan Alumnae Club of Ann Arbor, Margaret L. Waterman

The University of Michigan Law School

University of Michigan [videorecording] / University of Michigan Office of Undergraduate Admissions

University Musical Society (University of Michigan)

University Women's Golf Club (University of Michigan)


Arthur H. Vandenberg

Guy Vander Jagt

Heidi Van Arnem

Bertha Van Hoosen

Murray D. Van Wagoner

Tom Van Zoeren

Vice President for Development (University of Michigan)

Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 9 (Detroit, Mich.)

Joseph Vining

Voters Not Politicians


Mike Wallace CBS 60 Minutes

Ivan Walton

Washtenaw County Historic District Commission

Ruth Ellen Wasem

Andrew S. Watson

Louis A. Weil

Arnold Weinstein

Harry B. Welliver

West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Mich.)

Hilary Whittaker

G. Mennen Williams

G. Mennen Williams and Nancy Quirk Williams Oral History Project

Robert F. Williams

Eric Wolf

Women in Science and Engineering Program (University of Michigan)

Women of Color Task Force (University of Michigan)

Women's Activism Against Sex Discrimination

Women's Glee Club (University of Michigan)

Women's Research Club (University of Michigan)

Workshop for Armenian/Turkish Scholarship

WUOM (Radio station : Ann Arbor, Mich.)


The YES Foundation®

Thomas Yoder

Eunice Josephine Fite Yost

Edward Young