103-000 Walton, Ivan, Opening discussion 103-028 Bender, Bill, Michigan-i-o 103-126 Bender, Bill, Lord Lovell 103-162 Bender, Bill, Little Brown Bulls 103-207 Bender, Bill, The Great Fit (Fight)…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1955 July Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-160-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
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The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
95-000 Jack Haggerty's Flat River Girl 95-032 My Bonny Black Bess 94-077 I'm a Stranger in this Country (1 stanza) 94-083 The Monroe Brothers (1 stanza) 95-086 Barney McCoy (2 lines, plus…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1960 June 11 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-159-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
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The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
94-000 Youth on the Island; ancestors in Donegal [talk] 94-047 At Green's Bay; rescue of the Live Yankee [talk] 94-113 Lakes, fishing, lumbering, Beaver Is. lake captain 94-357 The Buffington…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1960 June 10 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-158-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
93-000 Patsy Doney (Patrick Gallagher), etc. (talk) 93-089 The Squire's Young Daughter 93-117 When First I Went to Mackinaw 93-129 Wearing the Britches 93-146 The Girl I Left Behind 93-180…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1960 June Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-157-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
John W. Green, Recorded at Beaver Island, Mich., July 17, 1959 92-000 The Battle of Mill Spring 92-025 On Sicily Rocks So High (plus talk) 92-035 On Board the Antelope (2 stanzas, spoken) 92-040…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1959 July 17-18 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-156-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
John W. Green, Recorded at Beaver Island, Mich., July 14-15, 1959 91-B-000 The Darby Ram 91-B-014 The Dying Message 91-B-035 Wed my sailor boy 91-B-061 She bargained with the captain or, All for the…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
[undated], 1959 July 14-15 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-155-2 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
John W. Green, Recorded at Beaver Island, Mich., undated 91-A-000 The Falling of the Pine 91-A-028 Lord Thomas and Fair Ellen 91-A-073 Sophia Bonner, Liquor for singing (talk) 91-A-099 I'm Proud…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
[undated], 1959 July 14-15 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-155-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
John W. Green, Recorded at Beaver Island, Mich., July 13, 1959 90-000 Red and Rosy Was Her Cheeks 90-025 Her Former True Lover or, A Noble Fine Wedding 90-052 The Persia's Crew 90-083 Caroline…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1959 July 13, 14 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-154-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
89-000 On moving the Island church (talk) 89-075 On Protar, selling farm, burial place (talk) 89-110 On Island priests, including Fr. Joseph (talk) 89-145 The Big Turnip or, Wonderful Dream 89-180…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1958 September 05 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-153-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
John W. Green, Recorded at Beaver Island, Mich., Sept. 3, 1958 88-000 She Has Seen Better Days 88-026 The Lady and the Sailor, or, Come All You True Lovers 88-050 O'Donnell Obu (unfinished)…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1958 September 03, 07 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-152-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
87-000 Suggarth Aroon or, Suggarth Oroon (11 lines) 87-010 Four Miles off Cape Clear (6 lines) 87-018 Bold Manning (9 lines) 87-036 The Croppy Boy (1 stanza) 87-040 Kate Maloney or, Micky Regan (plus…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
August 15, 1957 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-151-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
August 14, 1957 86-B-000 Only a Picture of Her Boy or, A Picture of Her Boy 86-B-015 My Bonnie Black Bess (1 stanza) 86-B-017 Just as the Tide was Flowing (11 lines; recitation) 86-B-030 The Lady of…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1957 [July 13-14?] August 14, 17 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-150-2 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
July 13, 1957: 86-A-000 The Shamrock to the Rose 86-A-022 The Shantyboy's Alphabet or, Shantyman's Alphabet (scattered lines) 86-A032 Lisbon Maid (6-8 lines) 86-A-048 Suggarth Orroon…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1957 July 13-14, August 14, 17 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-150-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
85-000 Boyhood (talk) 85-040 The Unfaithful Man 85-070 The Lost Jimmy Whalen 85-088 The House Carpenter 85-109 The Lowlands Low or, Bold Trinitee 85-163 The Butcher Boy 85-185 Uncle Calvin, Halbets,…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1957 August 12 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-149-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
84-000 Vessels wind bound, Beaver Harbor, etc. (talk) 84-042 The Dark-eyed Sailor 84-070 Banks of Shannon or, The Servant Man; The Cruel Father 84-103 The Sweet Sunny South 84-124 Johnnie Scott (6…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1957 August 08 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-148-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
83-000 On Patrick's Day in the Morning 83-017 Gra Geal Mo Chroi or, Gra Gal Marie 83-041 Down by the Old Oak Tree 83-084 My Charming Sally Greer or, Sally Greer 83-103 Untitled (talk) 83-381 Old…
Walton, Ivan H. Coverage
1957 August 06-07 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
86328-SR-147-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
secure permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
multiple factors including how the original recording was made and
condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
endorse viewpoints found in these or within its