Search for tag: "bentley historical library records"

Audio-Visual Material > Digital Materials > Reception in Honor of Milo Radulovich, December 14, 2008

From  Liz Gadelha

Audio-Visual Material > Digital Materials > Out of the Blue: The Michigan Difference, 2010 > Episode 308: Green Brewery, North Quad, and Jim Craven

From  Liz Gadelha

Audio-Visual Material > Digital Materials > Out of the Blue: The Michigan Difference, 2010 > Episode 306: Peace Corps, Bentley Historical Library, and Dust Storms – Nilton Renno

From  Liz Gadelha

Audio-Visual Material > Digital Materials > Scientific Club-Azazels Dinner, December 2008

Contains a video recording of James Duderstadt…

From  Liz Gadelha

Audio-Visual Material > Digital Materials > Alice Greenwald, Passion on All Sides: Planning a Memorial Museum at Ground Zero, March 15, 2007

Contains a video recording of a Whitesell Lecture…

From  Liz Gadelha

Michigan Historical Collections - Dedication, Part 4 of 4

Footage of the dedication ceremony.

+3 More
From  djpillen

Michigan Historical Collections - Moving Out and In, Part 3 of 4

Footage of material being moved into the Bentley…

+2 More
From  djpillen

Michigan Historical Collections - Construction and Rackham Offices, Part 2 of 4

Footage of the construction of the Bentley…

+2 More
From  djpillen

Michigan Historical Collections - Banquet, Groundbreaking Parade, and Masons, Part 1 of 4

Footage of the Bentley Historical Library…

+3 More
From  djpillen

ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-DSpace Workflow Integration Part 1: Configuring ArchivesSpace and DSpace Integration within Archivematica

This screencast demonstrates how to configure…

From  djpillen

ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-DSpace Workflow Integration Part 2: Appraisal, Arrangement to ArchivesSpace and Deposit to DSpace

This screencast demonstrates the functionality of…

From  djpillen

History of Michigan Seminar and Tea with the Presidents' Wives at the Bentley Historical Library [Side 2]

A tea and conversation with the wives of two…

From  djpillen

History of Michigan Seminar and Tea with the Presidents' Wives at the Bentley Historical Library [Side 1; no Side 2]

A tea and conversation with the wives of two…

From  djpillen

History of Michigan Seminar and Tea with the Presidents' Wives at the Bentley Historical Library [Side 1]

A tea and conversation with the wives of two…

From  djpillen

Aeon Symposium – Atlas-ArchivesSpace Update

Aeon and ArchivesSpace discussion with Genie…

From  djpillen

Aeon Symposium – Aeon Reports Workshop

This interactive workshop will allow participants…

From  djpillen