A musical recording featuring: Stockhausen,…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1983 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:16:07 Identifier
2009045-SR-150-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
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Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs.
The Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its holdings.
"Festival Overture" (1952).
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1952 Language
English Source
Transcription Disc Identifier
2009045-SR-151-2 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
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"Piano Sonata" (1951).
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1951 Language
English Source
Transcription Disc Identifier
2009045-SR-153-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
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endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
"Overture in F," premier performance,…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1951 Language
English Source
Transcription Disc Identifier
2009045-SR-152-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
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condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
attitudes, and beliefs. The Bentley Historical Library does not
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"Festival Overture" (1952).
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1952 Language
English Source
Transcription Disc Identifier
2009045-SR-151-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
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Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and
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The quality of this digital reproduction depends on
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Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views,
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Side 2; Cage Avia; Rodgers Processional; Leedy…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
[Undated] Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-34-2 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
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Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
:58 seconds of unknown piece; featuring soprano…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
[Undated] Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-2-2 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
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Recordings available here are a
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Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Dream Concert, ½ track stereo
Cacioppo, George Coverage
[Undated] Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-95-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
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Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Cacioppo Commentary on North Campus 1963-1964,…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1963-1964 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-53-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
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Recordings available here are a
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Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Interview of Cacioppo on WUOM.
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1965 February 12 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-52-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
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Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Once Festival 1963 WUOM Program #4: The Music of…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1963 June 08 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-51-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
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Recordings available here are a
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Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Cacioppo concert, NIU: Contents:…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
1976 April 08 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-50-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
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Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Performance of George Cacioppo's "Piano…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
[Undated] Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-45-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
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Recordings available here are a
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Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Pink Nightgown performed by unlisted performers.
Cacioppo, George Coverage
[Undated] Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-44-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
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permissions accordingly. Disclaimer
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Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Performed by an unknown pianist.
Cacioppo, George Coverage
[Undated] Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-43-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
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permissions accordingly. Disclaimer
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Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Informed Sources (Pianopiece #11), Max Lifchitz…
Cacioppo, George Coverage
[Undated] Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
2009045-SR-42-1 Subject
Music -- Performances; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly. Disclaimer
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Recordings available here are a
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Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its