A panel discussion from minority University of Michigan law school alumni. Topics: backgrounds, Washington DC, practice of law, law school, practice of law as a minority, questions & answers.
University of Michigan. Law School Coverage
September 29, 1989 Language
English Source
VHS Videotape, 01:54:20 Identifier
87235-3-1 Rights
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A panel discussion from minority University of Michigan law school alumni. Topics: backgrounds, practice of law, law school, questions & answers.
University of Michigan. Law School Coverage
September 29, 1989 Language
English Source
VHS Videotape, 00:51:30 Identifier
87235-2-1 Rights
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A presentation by Robert Fletcher and three Tuskegee Airmen, African American World War II aviators, describing their military experiences.
Fletcher, Robert W. Coverage
1990 Language
English Source
VHS Videotape, 02:02:18 Identifier
88438-2-1 Rights
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A symposium on the Thailand Controversy at the CUNY Graduate Center. Introductions - Gerald Sider. Organizer and moderator - Ara Wilson. Presenters - Eric Wakin, Eric R. Wolf, Del Jones.
Wolf, Eric Coverage
1992 April 10 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:58:04 Identifier
02154-SR-3-1 Rights
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Oral History Interview with Luis Taruc, Filipino Revolutionary at the Bentley Historical Library, tape 6 of 6 continued. Panel Discussion and Q & A continued.
Taruc, Luis Coverage
May 30, 1974 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes Identifier
85429-SR-6-2 Rights
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Oral History Interview with Luis Taruc, Filipino Revolutionary at the Bentley Historical Library, tape 6 of 6. Q & A and panel discussions.
Panelists include Fairla McKeel?, Science Dept; Mila…
Taruc, Luis Coverage
May 30, 1974 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes Identifier
85429-SR-6-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the public domain.
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Continued speakers, Dr. Dale D'Mello, Dr. Paul Y Liu.
Closing Remarks with Rita Bunton, LCC.
American Citizens for Justice Coverage
1991 May 09 Language
English Source
VHS Videotape, 01:15:49 Identifier
05100-4-1 Rights
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The volume continuously decreases as the audio tape progresses. There is static through out the recording. The audio is very low, fuzzy, and difficult to decipher both languages, English and possibly…
Blanchard, James Coverage
1984 June 10 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes Identifier
9940-SR-106-2 Rights
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The recording is of a meeting between Michigan Governor James Blanchard and Chinese Governor Yang in front of an audience. The audio is very low, fuzzy, and difficult to decipher both languages,…
Blanchard, James Coverage
1984 June 10 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes Identifier
9940-SR-106-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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At Wayne County's Democratic Women's Day National Committeewoman Mildred Jeffrey holds panel discussions on current issues with Senator Philip Hart and Congressman Neil Stabler.
Teachout, John Coverage
Undated Language
English Source
Transcription Disc (12 inch, 33 1/3 rpm) Identifier
2010076-SR-36-1 Rights
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Jack Delano panel discussion on depression. Detroit specialist speaks.
Cardona, Ana Luisa Coverage
April 2, 1984 Language
English Source
Betacam Tape Identifier
2010015-58 Rights
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Fred Leonard (principal, Ann Arbor), Jospeh McMillen (equal opportunity, MSU), Ken Mines (regional director HEW officer for civil rights).
University of Michigan. Programs for Educational Opportunity Coverage
1974 August Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
9759-SR-86-2 Rights
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Panel discussion on "What a Student Brings to a Desegregation Setting" at the Principal in the Desegregated Setting (aug 1972) Conference.
University of Michigan. Programs for Educational Opportunity Coverage
1972 August Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
9759-SR-51-2 Rights
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A panel discussion of "Once Hired What then?" as part of a conference on the personnel director in the desegregation process. Panel Includes: James Buntin, Kathryn Flynn, John Minor.
University of Michigan. Programs for Educational Opportunity Coverage
1972 Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
9759-SR-37-2 Rights
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A panel discussion of "Once Hired What then?" as part of a conference on the personnel director in the desegregation process. Panel Includes: James Buntin, Kathryn Flynn, John Minor.
University of Michigan. Programs for Educational Opportunity Coverage
1972 Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
9759-SR-36-2 Rights
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A panel discussion on "What School Public Information Officers Need to Know About the Media". Panel includes: Joseph Stroud, Carl Cederberg, Larry Dolph, and Joel Berger (moderator).
University of Michigan. Programs for Educational Opportunity Coverage
undated Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
9759-SR-341-2 Rights
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