An interview with conservationist Genevieve Gillette. She plays several music boxes.
Van Coevering, Jack Coverage
Undated Language
English Source
Audiotapes, 00:15:25 Identifier
85698-SR-20-2 Rights
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An interview with conservationist Genevieve Gillette. Topics: Michigan conservation, ecology, the ecological fight, the future of conservation, forests, land use plans.
Van Coevering, Jack Coverage
Undated Language
English Source
Audiotapes, 00:49:08 Identifier
85698-SR-20-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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An interview with conservationist Genevieve Gillette.Topics: Michigan conservation, her life, family, Mr. Baird, state parks.
Van Coevering, Jack Coverage
1973 May 9, May 22 Language
English Source
Audiotapes, 01:04:58 Identifier
85698-SR-19-2 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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An interview with conservationist Genevieve Gillette.Topics: Michigan conservation, her life, family, Mr. Baird, state parks.
Van Coevering, Jack Coverage
1973 May 9, May 22 Language
English Source
Audiotapes, 01:04:59 Identifier
85698-SR-19-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the public domain.
It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
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Mrs. Nathan conducts an interview with Leroy Marx, Mrs. Marx, and Clayton Parr. Topics: Manchester in the past, their childhoods, stories from the past, and their lives.
Washtenaw County Historic District Commission Coverage
March 1976 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:46:48 Identifier
851731-SR-24-2 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the public domain.
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Mrs. Nathan conducts an interview with Leroy Marx, Mrs. Marx, and Clayton Parr. Topics: Manchester in the past, their childhoods, stories from the past, and their lives.
Washtenaw County Historic District Commission Coverage
March 1976 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:44:43 Identifier
851731-SR-24-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the public domain.
It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
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Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs.
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Mrs. Nathan conducts an interview with Leroy Marx, Mrs. Marx, and Clayton Parr. Topics: Manchester in the past, their childhoods, stories from the past, and their lives.
Washtenaw County Historic District Commission Coverage
Undated Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:46:37 Identifier
851731-SR-23-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the public domain.
It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
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Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs.
The Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its holdings.
Mrs. Nathan conducts an interview with Leroy Marx, Mrs. Marx, and Clayton Parr. Topics: Manchester in the past, their childhoods, stories from the past, and their lives.
Washtenaw County Historic District Commission Coverage
Undated Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:46:38 Identifier
851731-SR-22-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the public domain.
It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure permissions accordingly. Disclaimer
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Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs.
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Mrs. Knorrp is interviewed in Manchester, MI. Topics: childhood, family, old roads, old times, the farm she grew up on, Merriman family.
Washtenaw County Historic District Commission Coverage
Undated Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:45:59 Identifier
851731-SR-4-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
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A rebroadcast of an episode of Night Beat that featured guests Emile Zola Berman, an insurance claims lawyer, and Dick Maney, a Broadway press agent.
Wallace, Mike Coverage
1062 Language
English Source
16mm film, b/w, sof, 00:59:48 Identifier
03171-10 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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An episode of The Mike Wallace Interview with guest Ben Hecht, a social critic, novelist, playwright, and Hollywood screenwriter.
Wallace, Mike Coverage
1958--2-16 Language
English Source
16mm film, b/w, sof, 00:29:33 Identifier
03171-2 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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An episode of The Mike Wallace Interview with guest Nina Foch, an accomplished actress on Broadway, television dramas, and film.
Wallace, Mike Coverage
1959-10-12 Language
English Source
16mm film, b/w, sof, 0:29:31 Identifier
03171-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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Interviewer asks Romney about his "differences" with Goldwater (Romney
categorizes as differences on two issues: civil rights and "extremism")
Romney, George Coverage
1966 December Language
English Source
16mm film, color, mag, 00:01:26 Identifier
852178_5-94 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
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A representative from the real estate industry argues against regulations
prohibiting housing discrimination. [WJBK]
Romney, George Coverage
1966 April 04 Language
English Source
16mm film, color, mag, 00:01:03 Identifier
852178_5-81 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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Discusses school funding and property tax relief
Romney, George Coverage
1963 August Language
English Source
16mm film, b/w, optical, 00:00:41 Identifier
852178_5-68 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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Lamenting mismanagement in the juvenile justice system. WWJ
Romney, George Coverage
1963 March Language
English Source
16mm film, b/w, optical, 00:01:59 Identifier
852178_5-62 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio,
visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the
public domain. It is the responsibility of anyone interested in
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