Host Carole Gibson interviews Dr. John Porter, President of the Eastern Michigan University. Dr. Porter discusses the increase in enrollment at EMU, new programs being developed, and the…
Jones, Lola Coverage
1987 Language
English Source
U-matic Videotape, color, sound, 00:27:06 Identifier
9618-18 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the public domain.
It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure permissions accordingly. Disclaimer
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs.
The Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its holdings.
Host Carole Gibson interviews Larry Hunter, Ann Arbor City Councilperson representing the First Ward, about the growing economic and cultural development of the city and the status of African…
Jones, Lola Coverage
1989 Language
English Source
U-matic Videotape, color, sound, 00:27:45 Identifier
9618-17 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
protection has expired over time or its creator has placed it in the public domain.
It is the responsibility of anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the Bentley
Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure permissions accordingly. Disclaimer
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original media.
Recordings available here are a historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs.
The Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its holdings.
Interview with Ila and Ralph Ridenour on church history.
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1989 August Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-6-1 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Intreview with Bill Standbridge and Ila & Ralph Ridenour on Church history.
This is only one side or part of a tape. If there are additional audio items, click the tag…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 August Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-5-2 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Intreview with Mary Dersham and Bill Standbridge on Church history. Includes portion of interview with Florence Simmons as well.
This is only one side or part of a tape. If…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 August Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-5-1 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Interview with Florence Simmons on Church history.
This is only one side or part of a tape. If there are additional audio items, click the tag with the item identifier:…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 October Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-4-2 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Florence Simmons interviewed on Church history and related topics.
This is only one side or part of a tape. If there are additional audio items, click the tag with the item…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 October Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-4-1 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Reverend. & Mrs. Helen Weiss discuss memories and history of West Side United Methodist Church.
This is only one side or part of a tape. If there are additional audio…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 June 17 Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-3-2 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Reverend. & Mrs. Helen Weiss discuss memories and history of West Side United Methodist Church.
This is only one side or part of a tape. If there are additional audio…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 June 17 Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-3-1 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Interview with Freida Carlson on history from 1909-1915 to 1987.
This is only one side or part of a tape. If there are additional audio items, click the tag with the item…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 October Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-2-2 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Interview with Gerald & Katherine Dakin on the early history 1933-1987 at West Side United Methodist Church.
This is only one side or part of a tape. If there are…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 October Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-2-1 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Interview with Tillie Bauer on history of West Side United Methodist Church from approx. 1915-1919 to 1987 & Ken & Pauline Crocker 1938-87
This is only one side or…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 July 30 Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-1-2 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Interview with Tillie Bauer on history of West Side United Methodist Church from approximately 1915-1919 to 1987 & Ken & Pauline Crocker from 1938-87.
This is only…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1987 July 30 Language
English Source
Audio Cassette Identifier
06100-SR-1-1 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Groundbreaking; Pentron. Silence for the first minute, speaker giving instructions on how to use tape recorder; very distorted. [Segment 2]
This is only one side or part of…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1951 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
06100-SR-27-2-2 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Groundbreaking; Pentron. Discussion of the new church and speeches from members of the church about Youth Group and Sunday School. [Segment 1]
This is only one side or part…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1951 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
06100-SR-27-2-1 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its
Church dedication part 2 and 3. Content difficult to hear, appears to be a sermon or related to the dedication of the West Side United Methodist Church. Some organ music played at 12:00. At 22:10…
West Side United Methodist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Coverage
1951 Language
English Source
Audio Reel-to-Reel Identifier
06100-SR-25-2 Subject
Religion; Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or
textual work has copyright protection unless that protection has expired over time
or its creator has placed it in the public domain. It is the responsibility of
anyone interested in reproducing, broadcasting or publishing content from the
Bentley Historical Library collections to determine copyright holders and secure
permissions accordingly.
The quality of this digital reproduction depends on multiple
factors including how the original recording was made and condition of the original
Recordings available here are a
historical record which reflects different views, attitudes, and beliefs. The
Bentley Historical Library does not endorse viewpoints found in these or within its