Search for tag: "league"

Unidentified [Side 4]

A Detroit Urban League discussion. Numerous speakers converse on various topics. Topics: urban youth, race, politics, economics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Unidentified [Side 3]

A Detroit Urban League discussion. Numerous speakers converse on various topics. Topics: urban youth, race, politics, economics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Unidentified [Side 2]

A Detroit Urban League discussion. Numerous speakers converse on various topics. Topics: urban youth, race, politics, economics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Unidentified [Side 1]

A Detroit Urban League discussion. Numerous speakers converse on various topics. Topics: urban youth, race, politics, economics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Urban League Program 8 summary [Side 1]

A summary of the home development and child development series.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Urban League Program 4-5 [Side 1 - No Side 2]

A program that is the fourth in a series of eight programs on the discussion of home influences and child development. Topics: home influences, child development, parents and schools, education,…

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Urban League Program 2-3 [Side 1 - No Side 2]

A program that is the second in a series of eight programs on the discussion of home influences and child development. Topics: parental efforts to help children remain in school, jobs, influences,…

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

"Whitney Young #2" [Side 1 - No Side 2]

Whitey Young speaks on the Detroit Urban League. Topics: race, Black families, politics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

"Youth Conference" [Side 2]

A recording of a Detroit Urban League Youth Conference. The conference is led by Francis Kornegay. Tipocs: politics. youth, government, Detroit, urban living, education.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

"Youth Conference" [Side 1]

A recording of a Detroit Urban League Youth Conference. The conference is led by Francis Kornegay. Tipocs: politics. youth, government, Detroit, urban living, education.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

1970 tape sent to Franics A. Kornegay of a Talk by Jim Turner, a Vietnam War Veteran [Side 1 - No Side 2]

A recording of Jim Turner, a Vietnam War Veteran, speaking before the Dancy Adult Day School (or a Wayne State University psychology class). Topics: Vietnam War, fighting in the war, being wounded.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Francis A. Kornegay Interview with a Former ADC Mother [Side 1 - No Side 2]

Francis Kornegay interviews a woman formerly on ADC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). Topics: Detroit Urban League, the community, ADC.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Sunday Supplement - Daniel Moynahan Interview [Side 1 - No Side 2]

An analysis of part of a speech made by Daniel Moynahan, former Assistant Secretary of Labor, at the Detroit Convention of the American Association of Counties the week after the riot.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Civil rights; NBD's "The Bank is Open to You"

Documentary designed to recruit African Americans into the banking industry. Presented by the International Afro-American Museum with National Bank of Detroit.

+4 More
From  Liz Gadelha

Civil rights; Urban League TV spot

Television advertisement/public service announcement for the Urban League regarding jobs training and equal opportunity.

+5 More
From  Liz Gadelha

Civil rights; Urban League training program

Military officer speaking about Urban League program for training workers.

+4 More
From  Liz Gadelha