Search for tag: "detroit"

American Negro, The [Part 8]: Where Shall We Live?

Where Shall We Live?; Detroit City Councilman discusses ghetto living and the importance of open occupancy housing to a democratic society. Talent: Alan Loving, UM-Ed.; Mel Ravitz

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

American Negro, The [Part 4]: A Sense of the Future

A Sense of the Future.; A Detroit public school official discusses the faults in the educational system which put the Negro child at a disadvantage. Talent: Alan Loving, UM-Ed.; Charles Stewart

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

"The Music is The Thing." On location at the Motown Museum. Guest: Esther Edwards, Director

Host Denise Harvey visits the Motown Museum to highlight its collection and history. Includes interview with Esther Gordy Edwards, Founder and Executive Director of the Motown Museum.

+7 More
From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

"Another Ann Arbor": Dr. Charles Wright on the Charles H. Wright Museum.

Host Denise Harvey interviews Dr. Charles Wright, physician and founder of the Museum of African American History in Detroit, Michigan.

+26 More
From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Unidentified [Side 4]

A Detroit Urban League discussion. Numerous speakers converse on various topics. Topics: urban youth, race, politics, economics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Unidentified [Side 3]

A Detroit Urban League discussion. Numerous speakers converse on various topics. Topics: urban youth, race, politics, economics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Unidentified [Side 2]

A Detroit Urban League discussion. Numerous speakers converse on various topics. Topics: urban youth, race, politics, economics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Unidentified [Side 1]

A Detroit Urban League discussion. Numerous speakers converse on various topics. Topics: urban youth, race, politics, economics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Urban League Program 8 summary [Side 1]

A summary of the home development and child development series.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Urban League Program 4-5 [Side 1 - No Side 2]

A program that is the fourth in a series of eight programs on the discussion of home influences and child development. Topics: home influences, child development, parents and schools, education,…

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Urban League Program 2-3 [Side 1 - No Side 2]

A program that is the second in a series of eight programs on the discussion of home influences and child development. Topics: parental efforts to help children remain in school, jobs, influences,…

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

"Whitney Young #2" [Side 1 - No Side 2]

Whitey Young speaks on the Detroit Urban League. Topics: race, Black families, politics.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

"Youth Conference" [Side 2]

A recording of a Detroit Urban League Youth Conference. The conference is led by Francis Kornegay. Tipocs: politics. youth, government, Detroit, urban living, education.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

"Youth Conference" [Side 1]

A recording of a Detroit Urban League Youth Conference. The conference is led by Francis Kornegay. Tipocs: politics. youth, government, Detroit, urban living, education.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

1970 tape sent to Franics A. Kornegay of a Talk by Jim Turner, a Vietnam War Veteran [Side 1 - No Side 2]

A recording of Jim Turner, a Vietnam War Veteran, speaking before the Dancy Adult Day School (or a Wayne State University psychology class). Topics: Vietnam War, fighting in the war, being wounded.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Francis A. Kornegay Interview with a Former ADC Mother [Side 1 - No Side 2]

Francis Kornegay interviews a woman formerly on ADC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). Topics: Detroit Urban League, the community, ADC.

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran