Search for tag: "alumni"

Lectures by Dean Robert M. Warner and Professor Judith Elkin [Side 2]

Continuation of lecture by Professor Robert M. Warner, Dean of the School of Library Science and former Archivist of the United States, entitled, "Preserving Our Nation's Heritage"…

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From  djpillen

Lectures by Dean Robert M. Warner and Professor Judith Elkin [Side 1]

Continuation of lecture given by Professor Judith Elkins on Jews in Hispanic Societies. Side 3 of 3. This is only one side or part of a tape. If there are additional audio…

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From  djpillen

Lecture by Dean Robert M. Warner, School of Library Science, "Preserving Our Nation's Heritage" [Side 2]

Continuation of lecture by Professor Robert M. Warner, Dean of the School of Library Science and former Archivist of the United States, entitled, "Preserving Our Nation's Heritage"…

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From  djpillen

Lecture by Dean Robert M. Warner, School of Library Science, "Preserving Our Nation's Heritage" [Side 1]

Lecture by Professor Robert M. Warner, Dean of the School of Library Science and former Archivist of the United States, entitled, "Preserving Our Nation's Heritage" given on November…

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From  djpillen

Lecture by Professor Martha Vicinus, "Kipling: His Age and Ours" [Side 2]

Continuation of lecture given by Professor Martha Vicinus entitled, "Kipling: His Age and Ours" hosted by the University of Michigan Alumni Association on March 22, 1986. …

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From  djpillen

Lecture by Professor Martha Vicinus, "Kipling: His Age and Ours" [Side 1]

Lecture given by Professor Martha Vicinus entitled, "Kipling: His Age and Ours" hosted by the University of Michigan Alumni Association on March 22, 1986. This is…

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From  djpillen

Lectures by Professors Richard Teske and Roy Rappaport as part of Alumni Association Enrichment Series [Side 2]

Lecture given by Professor Roy Rappaport about the history and culture of Tahiti as part of Alumni Association Enrichment series on March 25, 1986. This is only one side or…

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From  djpillen

Lectures by Professors Richard Teske and Roy Rappaport as part of Alumni Association Enrichment Series [Side 1]

Lecture given by Professor Richard Teske on Haley's Comet as part of Alumni Association Enrichment series on March 25, 1986. This is only one side or part of a tape. If…

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From  djpillen

Lecture by Michel Oksenberg on "Reflections on China Today" as part of Rose Bowl Faculty Seminar [Side 2]

Continuation of lecture entitled "Reflections on China Today" given by Professor Michel Oksenberg on December 31, 1988 in California as part of the Rose Bowl Faculty Seminar hosted by the…

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From  djpillen

Lecture by Michel Oksenberg on "Reflections on China Today" as part of Rose Bowl Faculty Seminar [Side 1]

Lecture entitled "Reflections on China Today" given by Professor Michel Oksenberg on December 31, 1988 in California as part of the Rose Bowl Faculty Seminar hosted by the University of…

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From  djpillen

Lectures by Professors William Frey and Louis A. Ferman as part of "The Changing Face of America" enrichment series [Side 2]

Continuation of lecture given by Professor Louis A. Ferman on "The New Americans: the Challenge for Michigan", as part of "The Changing Face of America" enrichment series on June…

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From  djpillen

Lectures by Professors William Frey and Louis A. Ferman as part of "The Changing Face of America" enrichment series [Side 1]

Lectures given by Professor William H. Frey on immigration policies and statistics and Professor Louis A. Ferman on "The New Americans: the Challenge for Michigan", as part of "The…

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From  djpillen

Lecture by Professor G. Michael Deeb, M.D. on the Current State of Heart Transplantation Surgery [Side 2]

Continuation of lecture given by Professor G. Michael Deeb, M.D. on the current state of heart transplantation surgery on April 21, 1987 as part of Conversations with Faculty series. …

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From  djpillen

Lecture by Professor G. Michael Deeb, M.D. on the Current State of Heart Transplantation Surgery [Side 1]

Lecture given by Professor G. Michael Deeb, M.D. on the current state of heart transplantation surgery on April 21, 1987 as part of Conversations with Faculty series. This…

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From  djpillen

Lectures by Professor Arthur Burks and Alice Burks on the ENIAC; Professor Gordon MacAlpine on Supernovae [Side 2]

Continuation of lecture given by Professor Gordon MacAlpine about supernovae on July 6, 1988 as part of Conversations with Faculty series. Side 3 of 3. This is only one side…

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From  djpillen

Lectures by Professor Arthur Burks and Alice Burks on the ENIAC; Professor Gordon MacAlpine on Supernovae [Side 1]

Continuation from previous tape of lecture given by Professor Arthur and Alice Burks on the ENIAC machine, the first electronic computer on April 26, 1988 as part of the Conversations with Faculty…

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From  djpillen