Search for tag: "reports"

Merit - Regional Network Consortium [Side 1 - No Side 2]

An overview of the Merit Computer Regional Network Consortium (packet switching).

+3 More
From  djpillen

Merit - Regional Network Consortium [Side 1 - No Side 2]

An overview of the Merit Computer Regional Network Consortium (packet switching).

+3 More
From  djpillen

Major Mayer (Army Medical Corps) discusses POWs [Part 1]

Reel 2; Major William E. Mayer, on the medical staff at Fort Sam Houston, talks about the subject on POWs from the Korean War and their psychological health.

From  djpillen

Major Mayer (Army Med. Corps.) discusses POWs [Part 1]

Reel 1; Major William E. Mayer, on the medical staff at Fort Sam Houston, talks about the subject on POWs from the Korean War and their psychological health.

From  djpillen