Governor John Engler provides an update on the…
Engler, John Coverage
1996 June 11 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:30:00 Identifier
0434-SR-136-1 Rights
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Governor John Engler provides a press conference…
Engler, John Coverage
1991 February 14 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:19:07 Identifier
0434-SR-384-1 Rights
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Ambassador Woodcock speaks at a press conference.…
Oksenberg, Michel Coverage
1980 August 26 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:31:37 Identifier
861112-SR-18-1 Rights
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Ambassador Woodcock speaks at a press conference.…
Oksenberg, Michel Coverage
1980 August 26 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:09:04 Identifier
861112-SR-17-2 Rights
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Ambassador Woodcock speaks at a press conference.…
Oksenberg, Michel Coverage
1980 August 26 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 00:46:31 Identifier
861112-SR-17-1 Rights
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Footage of Governor John Engler at a meeting in…
Engler, John Coverage
Undated Language
English Source
VHS Videotape, color, sound, 00:04:50 Identifier
0434-1164-1 Rights
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UM President: Lee Bollinger. Vaclav Havel…
University of Michigan. News and Information Services. Coverage
2000 September 5 Language
English Source
VHS Videotape Identifier
87265.11-214 Rights
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Addresses speculation (immediately after winning…
Romney, George Coverage
1966 December Language
English Source
16mm film, color, mag, 00:01:51 Identifier
852178_5-92 Rights
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A press conference with Janet (?), Gerald H.…
Engler, John Coverage
June 26, 1996 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 0:16:36 Identifier
0434-SR-8-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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A press conference with John Engler, Shirley…
Engler, John Coverage
December 6, 1995 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 0:15:29 Identifier
0434-SR-7-1 Rights
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A press conference with John Engler, Shirley…
Engler, John Coverage
October 31, 1995 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes, 0:42:14 Identifier
0434-SR-6-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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Military officer speaking about Urban League…
Detroit Urban League Coverage
1968-1969 Language
English Source
16mm film, color, mag, 00:01:02 Identifier
851100-3 Rights
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Francis A. Kornegay on an upcoming announcement…
Detroit Urban League Coverage
1968-1969 Language
English Source
16mm film, color, mag, 00:00:35 Identifier
851100-2 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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Francis A. Kornegay speaking briefly about an…
Detroit Urban League Coverage
1968-1969 Language
English Source
16mm film, color, mag, 00:00:18 Identifier
851100-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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The continuation of the budget proposal…
Blanchard, James Coverage
1985 January 29 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes Identifier
9940-SR-112-2 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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The Governor introducing the 1985-1986 fiscal…
Blanchard, James Coverage
1985 January 29 Language
English Source
Audiocassettes Identifier
9940-SR-112-1 Rights
This recording may be protected by copyright law. Every audio, visual, or textual work has copyright protection unless that
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