Search for tag: "documentaries (documents)"

In Celebration of Bay View, A National Historic Landmark

A video recording about Bay View. The program details the history and significance of the historic landmark.

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From  Tim Baron

Fruit of Dreams: The Mexican Cherry Pickers of Traverse City

A documentary by William Jamerson on Mexican cherry pickers in Grand Traverse County Michigan from the 1920's through the 1970's. Topics: migratory workers, Traverse City Cherry Harvest.

+2 More
From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Michiganensian Presents Memories in Sound [Side 2]

WUOM; Recording of events of the 1956-1957 school year. Includes musical selections, reports on academic achievements, athletic, and student life events.

+5 More
From  djpillen

Michiganensian Presents Memories in Sound [Side 2]

Jackie Schiff, editor; Ed Burrows, narrator. Recording of events of the 1953-1954 school year. Includes musical selections, reports on academic achievements, athletic, and student life events.

+4 More
From  djpillen

Michiganensian Presents Memories in Sound [Side 1]

WUOM; Recording of events of the 1956-1957 school year. Includes musical selections, reports on academic achievements, athletic, and student life events.

+5 More
From  djpillen

Michiganensian Presents Memories in Sound [Side 1]

Jackie Schiff, editor; Ed Burrows, narrator. Recording of events of the 1953-1954 school year. Includes musical selections, reports on academic achievements, athletic, and student life events.

+4 More
From  djpillen

Men of Science and Osborn Documentary [Part 1]

Interview with Don Glaser, Nobel prize-winner - before being awarded the prize and documentary program about Chase S. Osborn.

From  djpillen

One Nation Indivisible Program #13: Internationalism ([R168B]) [Part 1]

One Nation Indivisible; award-winning documentary; re-broadcast March-May 1958.

From  djpillen

One Nation Indivisible Program #1: The Rise of Nationalism ([R167B]) [Part 1]

Re-Broadcast March-May 1958, One Nation Indivisible, award-winning documentary.

From  djpillen

News in 20th Century America Program #13: The Columnist: Pressures and Problems ([R166B]) [Part 1]

Panelists are: Roscoe Drummond, Frank Angelo, Sylvia Porter, and Drew Pearson. Radio program documenting the history and structure of journalism in the 20th century.

From  djpillen

News in 20th Century America Program #4: Women in Journalism([R165B]) [Part 1]

Documentary: Leland Stowe, host (broadcast June-October 1959) with Doris Fleeson. Speakers are: Leland Stowe; Pauline Frederick; Sylvia Porter; et al.

From  djpillen

"The News from Dallas"/ Fred Hindley, narrator ([R164B]) [Part 1]

On the assassination of John F. Kennedy and international reactions.

From  djpillen

Abbot Memorial: Tribute to Waldo Abbot/ E.G. Burrows, et al. ([R42A]) [Part 1]

Program tracing the history of the University Broadcasting Service and WUOM from 1950-60, featuring records of Bob Ufer, Donn Chown, Waldo Abbot, and others.

From  djpillen

To the Cornflower and the Maize Program #22: "The Age of the Atom" ([R40A]) [Part 1]

Part #22 of the "To the Cornflower and the Maize" program, recorded July 14, 1966, Broadcast June 18, 1967. "The Age of the Atom" / Ralph Sawyer; Roscoe Bonnisteel; Charles…

From  djpillen

To the Cornflower and the Maize Program #21: "Michigan at 125 Years" ([R39A]) [Part 1]

Part #21 of the "To the Cornflower and the Maize" program, recorded June 30, 1966, Broadcast June 11, 1967. "Michigan at 125 Years" / Margaret Tracy; Alexander Grant Ruthven; A.D.…

From  djpillen

To the Cornflower and the Maize Program #20: "Ruthven, Rackham, and Radicals" ([R38A]) [Part 1]

Part #20 of the "To the Cornflower and the Maize" program, recorded April 17,1966, Broadcast June 04, 1967. "Ruthven, Rackham, and Radicals" pt. 2 / Alexander Grant Ruthven;…

From  djpillen