Search for tag: "architecture"

Mansions of Man [Part 9]: GM-Tech Center: 20th Century Versailles

GM-Tech Center.; A filmed visit to the General…

From  Melissa Hernandez Duran

Audio-Visual Material > Digital video recordings > Stamps Auditorium Dedication and Announcement of the WorkPlay Competition Winners, March 27, 2008

From  Liz Gadelha

University of Michigan Lecture-"The Organic Does Not Deconstruct" [Side 2]

Slide show continues. Topics: metaphor, buildings…

From  djpillen

The Smithsonian Institution Lecture-"Organic Core of the Modern Movement" [Side 2]

The organic core of the modern architecture…

From  djpillen

Ball State University College of Architecture & Planning Summer Workshop, Columbus, Indiana-"Saarinen Legacy" [Side 2]

The location of the presentation is the First…

From  djpillen

University of Michigan John Dinkeloo Memorial Lecture-"The Virtue of Being Serious" [Side 1; no Side 2]

Lecture: "The Virtue of Being Serious".…

From  djpillen

University of Michigan Lecture-"The Organic Does Not Deconstruct" [Side 1]

Topics: organic architecture and deconstruction,…

From  djpillen

The Smithsonian Institution Lecture-"Organic Core of the Modern Movement" [Side 1]

Topics: modern architecture movement, continuity…

From  djpillen

Ball State University College of Architecture & Planning Summer Workshop, Columbus, Indiana-"Saarinen Legacy" [Side 1]

The location of the presentation is the First…

From  djpillen

"Welcome to the New Federal Reserve Bank" For Use With Filmstrips [Side 2]

Tape recording describing the new Federal Reserve…

From  djpillen

"Welcome to the New Federal Reserve Bank" For Use With Filmstrips [Side 1]

Tape recording describing the new Federal Reserve…

From  djpillen

UIA - UNESCO Seminar at Cranbrook; "Lifelong Learning" [Side 1; no Side 2]

Gunnar Birkerts seminar at Cranbook entitled…

From  djpillen

Columbus, Indiana Lecture; Wes Roy, Radio Interview - Cheryl Scott "The Republic" [Side 2]

Recording of a male voice speaking in an unknown…

From  djpillen

Columbus, Indiana Lecture; Wes Roy, Radio Interview - Cheryl Scott "The Republic" [Side 1]

There are two interviews on this side. Wes Roy…

From  djpillen

Columbus, Indiana Lecture; "You Are What You Have Been" [Side 2]

Gunnars Birkerts giving a lecture entitled…

From  djpillen

Columbus, Indiana Lecture; "You Are What You Have Been" [Side 1]

Gunnars Birkerts giving a lecture entitled…

From  djpillen