Q1 - Jamie Morris 20-yard run (0:31), UM Morris 13-yard run (1:30), UM 20-yard pass Demetrius Brown (DB) to John Kolesar (1:40), UM FG by Mike Gillette (3:16), UM 19-yard pass DB to Greg McMurtry (5:52), MSU 21-yard pass Bobby McAllister (BM) to Willie Bouyer (7:39), MSU Lorenzo White 16-yard run (8:03). MSU 10-yard run White (8:45), MSU TD White 6-yard run (8:56); Q2 - UM 11-yard pass DB to Kolesar (12:38), MSU John Budde sacks DB 16-yard loss (12:56), MSU interception by John Miller (13:20), MSU 16-yard screen pass BM to White (13:38), MSU White 47-yard run (14:08). UM John Hermann tackles Bernard Wilson on end-around 12-yard loss (14:51),
MSU interception by Miller (15:41), MSU White 10 and 21-yard runs (15:55), UM TD White 2-yard run (17:04), UM 13-yard pass DB to Kolesar (17:41), MSU interception by Miller 11-yard return (19:06); Q3 - MSU interception by Todd Krum (21:53), UM 21-yard pass DB to Kolesar (23:59), MSU interception by Miller (24:15), MSU Travis Davis sacks DB on 1-yard line 190 yard loss (25:24), UM Allen Bishop recovers fumble on punt return (26:12); Q4 - UM Morris 11-yard run (27:36), UM TD 18-yard pass DB to Morris (28:20), MSU White 12-yard run (29:06), MSY 17-yard pass BM to Bouyer (29:32), MSU FG by Langeloh 42-yards (31:02), UM Morris 11-yard run (31:31), UM15-yard pass DB to McMurtry (32:57), MSU interception by Harlon Barnett (33:32), UM 13-yard pass DB to Webb (35:06), MSU interception by Krumm (35:20)
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