Q1 - NW 20-yard pass Dick Thomas to Joe Collier (1:51), UM interception by Robert Topp lateral to Tony Branoff 13-yard return (2:17), UM Ted Kress 16-yard run (4:53), UM TD 44-yard pass Duncan McDonald to Branoff (6:00), Q2 - 21-yard pass Kress to Gene Knutson (13:41), UM 19-yard pass McDonald to Knutson (14:05), UM TD 6-yard pass McDonald to John Veselenak (15:10); Q3 - UM Dick Balzhiser 17-yard run (17:37), NW interception by Weber 9-yard return (17:48), NW TD Weber 1-yard run (19:24), NW 16-yard run Nick Chandler (21:38), UM Branoff 24-yard run Art Walker recovers fumble (22:50), UM TD McDonald pass to Kress in flat 49-yard run (23:12); Q4 - NW 17-yard pass Thomas to Collier (25:03),
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