Q1 - DART TD - 11-yard pass Clayton to McDonald (5:04); UM TD Leo Koceski 34yard run (7:13); Q2 - UM Lowell Perry interception in end zone, 21-yard return (10:33); UM Perry interception on 8-yrd line (15:20); MSC shanked punt for 1-yard (16:55), UM TD 47-yard pass Bill Putich to Perry (17:05); Q3 - UM Koceski pass interception in end zone (21:18), UM TD 47-yard pass Don Peterson to Harry Allis (24:24), UM Tony Momsen blocks punt, recovers on 1-yard line (25:36), UM TD Ralph Straffon 2-yard run(26:15), UM Perry pass interception (27:29); Q4 - UM 32-yard pass Putich to Perry (28:30); Half-time -Band Day show (19:03:19:21)
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