Broadcast January 16, 1963, Robert Bly reads "Hunting Pheasants in a Cornfield" , "September Night with An Old Horse" , "The Busy Man Speaks" , "Snow in March" , "Sleet Storm on the Merritt Parkway" , "Looking Backward" , "Poem in Three Parts", "Late At Night During a Visit of Friends" , "A Walk in the Gardens of Italy" by I.M. Baroque , 5 Kobayashi Issa poems, "Saturday Night" , "The Crow" , "Unanswered Letters" , "Watering A Horse" , "Poem for a Love Poem" , "Taking the Hands of Someone You Love" , "At The Funeral of Great Aunt Mary" , "Poem on Norwegian Immigrants" , "Afternoon Sleep" , "Condition of the Working Classes, 1960" , "After the Industrial Revolution, All Things Happen at Once" , reads a Yeats song, "Through the Woods" , "Evolution from the Fishes."
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