Q1 - UM 10-yard pass Dennis Franklin to Gil Chapman (5:46), UM 15-yard pass Franklin to Chapman (6:22); Q2 - UM Chuck Heater 9-yard run (9:33), UM Ed Shuttlesworth 12-yard run (9:44), UM Shuttlesworth 8-yard run on fake punt (10:30). UM Franklin 10-yard run (11:15) UM FG by Mike Lantry 22-yards (12:13), MSU Bond 11-yard run (13:26), MSU Bullock 12-yard run (13:52), MSU Neisen 24-yard run to endzone called back on penalty (14:43), UM pass interception by Dave Brown (15:25), UM Heater 13-yard run (16:12), UM Franklin 15-yard run (16:37); Q3 - UM Craig Mutch recovers fumble in endzone for touchback (19:51), UM pass interception by Barry Dotzauer (21:30); Q4 - MSU Brown 15-yard run (25:23), UM TD Chapman 58-yard run ( 28:07), UM pass intercpetion by Greg Ellis (31:38), [original Chapman TD footage missing, replaced with clip from copy print]
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