Q1 - UM 28-yard pass Michael Taylor (MT) to Jeff Brown (1:17), WF 19-yard pass Mike Elkins to Ricky Proehl (2:37), UM interception by Tripp Welborne (3:18), UM 21-yard pass MT to Chris Calloway (4:10); Q2 - WF 12-yard pass Elkins to Mark Young (11:41), WF FG by Casey 36-yards (12:31), UM Tony Boles 16 and 15-yard runs (13:07), UM TD Boles 14-yard run (14:54), UM interception by Welborne (16:38), UM 15-yard pass MT to Calloway (17:31), UM TD Boles 29-yard run (17:55); Q3 - UM Gillette punts out of bounds on 2-yard line (24:23), UM SAFETY after fumbled pitchout Jeff Arnold forces Young out of endzone (24:41), UM Boles 11yard (25:26), UM Boles 13-yard run (25:52), UM 13 and 7-yard passes MT to Brown (26:20); Q4 - UM FG Gillette 19-yards (27:27), WF 27-yard pass Elkins to David Jarvis (7:50), WF 13-yard pass Elkins to (28:29), UM Boles 12-yard run (30:39), WF 18-yard pass Elkins to Steve Brown (31:18), UM interception by Marc Spencer 10-yard return (32:03), WF 13-yard pass Elkins to Proehl (34:50), WF TD Tony Rogers dives in from 1-yard line (35:18)
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