Tape 1 of 2; Cornell Glee Club performs: Psaume; Gesang der Geister uber den Wassern; Tarantella; Father William; Aj lucka siroka; La Banda; Su la Piu Alta Cima; I Gave Her Cakes and I Gave Her Ale; Once, Twice, Thrice I Julia tried; The Hangovers (selections); Cornell College Songs. Michigan Glee Club performs: Laudes Atque Carmina; Chester; When Jesus Wept; Amanda; Battle of Stonington; The Celestial Vision part 1; The Friars (selections); Lowlands; Poor Man Lazarus; Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder; Moon Indigo; Michigan Songs; The God Who Gave Us Life; I Shall Not Die Without a Hope. Alma Maters by Combined Glee Clubs: Far Above Cayuga's Water; Yellow and Blue.
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